Heroic Mindset

09 January 2019 20:19:49 Comment(s)

The 8 principles you need to follow to become a World Class Presenter and Communicator.

World class presenters are very intentional with what and how they communicate. They create an atmosphere of trust and are able to unite perspectives. Here are 8 principles that will help guide what you say and how to say it.

The 8 Principles


There is no failure, only feedback. Incorporating feedback from mentors, peers, and your audience are the keys to the consistent generation of presentation ROI. Our feedback framework allows you to lock in best practices, eliminate inefficiencies, and access creative expression.


Resistance from an audience is a sign of lack of rapport. There are no resistant audiences, only inflexible communicators. Whenever audience interest and attention dissipates, the presenter’s first priority is to reestablish rapport.


The meaning of communication is the response you get. Choosing the right words and sentences is only the first step. Delivering them well is the second step. The final step is ensuring that your audience receives them positively.


Great presentations are written to ignite a change that produces a change that is ecological. The change must be good for all the parties involved, producing a world that works for everyone. This includes the speaker, the audience, and the global community. Quite often, these changes represent a return to the core values of society.


Respect the other person’s model of the world. Meet the audience where they are. One of Stephen Covey’s 7 habits is “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” A professional presenter invests significant time to understand the audience. Their information comes from audience research, and audience interaction during presentations.


The map is not the territory. The words we use are not the event or item they represent. One word can mean something completely different for each member of your audience. When bringing your audience into new territories of knowledge, teach to all learning styles, establish common vocabulary, and verify comprehension regularly.


The person with the most behavioral flexibility will control the presentation room. Great presenters can deliver flawlessly during rehearsals, but no amount of rehearsals can completely prepare for an interaction with a live audience. Behavioral flexibility includes humor, improv, confidence, and composure.


All presentations are designed to increase choice. When designing a presentation to spark change, be sure to leave the audience with the choice to change. Resistance comes when the audience is left with no choice. Agreement comes when the audience resonates with the values and vision being presented and chooses to change.
